Everyone is Welcome
People of all shapes, sizes, abilities, backgrounds, and identities deserve access to supportive environments to explore movement, free from judgment. Yes, that includes YOU!
Your pronouns, name, gender identity, sexual orientation, and all aspects of your identity will always be respected and affirmed.
Everyone is welcome regardless of experience level. People who are new to exercise are especially encouraged! -
Body Diversity is Beautiful
Size inclusive, anti-diet culture, anti-weight stigma.
Practicing Health at Every Size® (HAES®) principles with a holistic approach to health.
We’ll separate movement from weight-related goals. There is no singular “ideal” body type or weight.
Our bodies all look and move differently, and that’s ok! -
Less Pressure, More Pleasure
Let’s make movement more enjoyable.
No unrealistic or intense training programs, no calorie counting or dieting, no shame, punishment or “falling off track”.
More support for any and all movement that feels good. More workouts that are comfortable and fun, with lots of options!